The firm of Steven S. Cohen, Architect P.C. has been commited to innovative design and an understanding of cost-effective design solutions for nearly forty years. Our practice has encompassed a wide variety of residential and commercial commissions, new construction, as well as renovation, substantial rehabilitation and adaptive reuse design. The office has completed a broad range of projects including market-rate and luxury residential developments, low-income and HUD/NJHMFA-financed affordable housing, hotels and restaurants, office and retail developments, health care facilities, health clubs and recreational facilities, and senior citizens housing. In addition to traditional architectural practices focusing on design and construction, the firm has also provided specialized professional services for financial institutions including complete architectural/engineering inspections, cost estimate reviews, capital needs assessments, and construction inspections for housing lenders. Since 1978, the office has completed more than 10,000 units of housing in high, low, and mid-rise apartment buildings, townhouse estates, single family home developments, and retirement villages.
Our educated staff brings a broad range of professional expertise to the disciplines of architectural design, planning, programming, estimating and construction management. Steven Cohen has over 35 years of professional experience within The United States, Europe and the Middle East. Our senior members have worked with a broad range of urban high-rise to wood-frame construction of suburban low-rise complexes. Most staff members have augmented their architectural experience with additional experience in building trades, offices of development, and construction firms.
This diversity of experience is reflected in the comprehensive services the firm is able to provide and within the flexibility of its personnel. The office of Steven S. Cohen offers its clients project teams equally adept at producing working drawings and presentation drawings, versatile enough to handle both large and small scale projects with ease – from the level of management required in multi-million dollar commercial developments to the level of detailing required in restoring a historic property or rehabilitating public housing. The firm’s professional staff combines design skills with management abilities and practical construction experience. The result is a unique balance of expertise and experience in design, project administration, and construction supervision.

Steven S. Cohen Architect, P.C. 63 Moran Avenue Princeton, New Jersey, 08542 Ph (609) 924-6560 / Fax (609) 924-5459
Mon - Fri:
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM